Saturday, October 2, 2010

Negativity in the Work Place

I think every place has one: A person whose outlook on life and the people around him/her is so negative, that the energy spills over onto his/her co-workers.

My work place is no exception to this rule, and unfortunately the negative person in question is the supervisor of the department in which I work.  This person has the habit of speaking to others (even those who have a higher level of authority than she) as though they are the scum of the earth.  She takes credit for others' work, and generally maintains a "Holier than thou" attitude, which creates double standards left and right, and causes discomfort among even those people who are fortunate enough to work outside of her department.

For two years, I have worked in this department, essentially picking up after the others and making attempts at keeping the department running smoothly.  I take inventory, I make sure the other employees are keeping up on their duties, I call customers and handle difficult design work, and a myriad of other things that are generally on the supervisor's job description.  If I didn't, we would all be up a creek without a paddle.

But, of course, who gets credit for good sales, smooth department function and effective training?  The Negative Supervisor, of course.

I have tried to remain patient, hoping that someone would see what was happening, and make the necessary changes.  I have tried talking to the Store Manager, Human Resources and the corporate Business Ethics department.  Has anything changed?  No.  Despite the fact that I am not just one person filing these complaints, nothing has been done.

So, how does one keep the negativity from breaking through personal barriers and leeching away energy or motivation?

I am trying some basic meditation techniques, personally.  Some days, they work very well.  Others, I begin the meditation in a poorer frame of mind, and then it is not so successful.  But I thought I'd share with you the things that work for me, and help me face the coming work day with a certain level of composure and confidence.

  1.  Find a place you absolutely love to sit and relax.  For me, sometimes that is outside in the shade (on hot days), or outside in some sunshine (on cool ones).  It can also be indoors.  Stand or sit comfortably in this favorite spot, but do not lie down, because you might fall asleep!
  2. Bring things with you that are relaxing or uplifting.  It can be a good book, flowers, even something tasty.  In Autumn, I love heading over to the Starbucks that is across the street from where I work, and ordering a Chai Tea Latte (non-fat, no whip! lol).  Then I sit outside at one of their tables, especially when the weather is marvelous.
  3. Close your eyes.  Sip your latte or smell the flowers you brought (or do whatever it is you do with your object of choice), and allow the flavors and scents to infuse you with a feeling of good will.  Let your body's enjoyment of these things remind you that there IS good in the world.
  4. If you are outdoors, imagine the sunlight bathing you in warmth and light, and good, clean energy.  Imagine that it is sweeping away all negativity within you, even if it is negativity that is unrelated to the task before you.  If you are indoors, you can imagine a white light radiating from over your head and down into the soles of your feet.
  5. Allow this light to fill you completely, until there is no more room for the light, negativity or anything else.  Imagine that it begins to radiate out of you because you are so full of goodness and healing light.
  6. Mentally or verbally, tell yourself that you are a good person.  You are confident and capable.  You can handle anything that your job or the people in it can throw at you, and that negativity is going to just slide off of you like water on a duck's back.  Tell yourself that this light within you is divine light, and as such, it will protect you from negativity.
  7. As you repeat these things to yourself, imagine that the light radiating out of you forms a protective sphere around your body.  It extends just a little ways away from your skin - no more than the width of two fingers - and deflects any negativity that may attempt to harm you.  You are protected by this light, and you will continue to be long after the visualization has stopped.
  8. Once you feel ready, imagine that the light is no longer flowing into you, but that you are retaining the healthy glow of energy that will protect you from negativity.  Remember that at any time, you can pause and 'refill' yourself, whether you remain indoors or out.
This has helped me on many occasions.  I hope it can help you, too!  There is nothing worse than letting another person steal your will to work hard and be your best. And now, I'm off to go do this myself, so that my workday will be awesome!

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