Friday, October 1, 2010

My First Post!

Merry Meet!

Happy October 1st, everyone!  And welcome to my humble blog.

Allow me to introduce myself.  Online, I go by Kate.  That's because of a text-based role playing character that I created years ago...  I used that persona in so many different games and fictional settings that she became something of an extension of myself.

So while you're here, you can call me Kate.  I won't mind. =)

I decided to start Book of Moon for a few reasons:
  1. Roughly a year a go, I found my Path. I am a Hedge-witch - and as I learn and grow, I thought I would share my findings with anyone who is interested in reading about them.  I believe that learning and sharing our knowledge is the best way to erase hatred and ignorance in the world, whether it be toward a specific creature, or a race or breed of creatures.
  2. Blogging gives me a place to record thoughts and events, just like writing a journal. But unlike a journal, writing entries in an online blog means I can also get feedback from others.  This feedback can help me just as much as the experiences I post about, especially if it is constructive feedback as opposed to a "lol" or an "I agree!" comment.
  3. I hope that some of what I have learned, will learn, or want to learn will somehow help others that read this blog, even if all it does is lets someone know that he or she is not alone.
I currently live in the state of California, though I will hopefully move to Oregon after I have finished college and started my own online design business.  Oregon's old forests and marvelous weather call to me like almost nothing else has... and so does the inexpensive (in comparison to CA) cost of acreage.

I am engaged, scheduled to be married in September of 2011, and looking forward to that every day!  As I struggle to get into better physical condition for this huge change in my life, I am hoping that the Gods and my own determination will allow me to reach my goals.

My 'status' as a hedge-witch is somewhat newly established... I suppose you could say I was raised a Christian, if only going to church on Easter and Christmas makes you a Christian, and as a child I had always believed that there was more to life than met the eye.  I never believed the phrase, "There's no such thing as ghosts."

Perhaps you could say I'm an old soul.  Maybe I am.  But one thing is for certain:  I have learned that there IS more to the world than meets the eye.  Through the Hedgewitch path, which is a combination of Herbal Witchcraft and Shmanistic beliefs, I hope to learn more about the natural and para-natural worlds.

So put on your proverbial walking shoes, because this journey is only just beginning!

Blessed Be.

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